30 Apr 2007

Revelations and ridicule!

I read this in the papers today: “The number of women who’ve had postnatal depression could be two to three times higher than previous estimates, reveals a survey of 500 mothers commissioned by the Royal College of Midwives. It was previously estimated that 10 per cent of new mothers suffer some sort of depressive illness, yet the survey showed 20 per cent of women said they’d had postnatal depression that had resulted in treatment such as medication or therapy after the birth of their baby.
Dame Karlene Davis, General Secretary of the Royal College of Midwives, said: "Pregnancy is a wonderful life changing event for some women, but the transition to motherhood can trigger anxiety, severe exhaustion and depression. This survey indicates that postnatal depression could be a lot higher than previously estimated and the reality is that the incidence could be even higher, as many women hide their symptoms and are too afraid to ask for help.”
No wonder people don’t ask for help when yummy mummy types are somehow revered. Things like this ridiculous survey don’t exactly help www.slummy-yummy.com. ‘What sort of Mummy are you?’ it asks, alongside questions about whether you prefer slippers or high heels, have a muffin top or toned midriff (what new mum has a toned midriff, for God’s sake??!) Not surprisingly, I came out as a slummy mummy… “You love being a Mummy so much you’ve neglected yourself and your relationship,” it told me. OH BOG OFF! Then I was asked to: “Visit the MAMA website to re-discover the woman behind the mother.” ERRR, NO THANKS YOU PATRONISING TWAT… I vote that the MAMA website is banned!
Meanwhile, poor Sam continues to bravely put up with his style change. The necklace was one thing, but now I’m on my ethical eco drive he’s also wearing a pair of natty Oxfam trousers that cost me 99p. My sister said he looks like, and I quote: ‘a nancy boy’. Oh well…

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