14 Feb 2007

'I hate Yummy Mummies'

Anyone read this article by Nirpal Dhaliwal?


I have to say I agree with most of what he wrote, not least the line about Yummy Mummies being 'the epitome of the fraudulent charade that passes for being a parent these days.' The reality of the situation is that being a mum is stressful, chaotic, fraught with guilt and peppered with mistakes. The shinyness of these Yummy Mummies and their 'perfect parenting' is a myth. Surely behind closed doors they're as neurotic and confused as the rest of us? Or am I the only one happy to admit that I'm neurotic and confused?
We mums are each others' worst enemies. It's when we start thinking that we can't talk to so-and-so about our parenting problems because their lives are so perfect and their little darling has never cried/shat/fallen head-first off the bed that we come a cropper. Let's revel in how we haven't got a clue what we're doing, glory in being confused, guilt-ridden, dishevelled and totally reliant on ready meals whilst wishing we had the energy to cook hearty organic suppers and, more importantly, laugh at our mistakes and support each other through the difficult times... because, believe me fellow Crummies, there'll be many more of those ahead...

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