15 Feb 2007

Yet another thing to worry about...

I read this in the Times last week....


What a crock of shite. Is this journalist (Lucy McDonald) really suggesting that if we don't have a forward-facing Bugaboo our kids will end up with poor communication skills? Does she have shares in the company or does she just want to replace her posh pram with the latest celeb model?
I have nothing against Bugaboos, per se, and good for you if you can afford one. But, frankly, for most people £500 is a heck of a lot of money. And if you can't stretch that far for a pram, or if you prefer to spend your hard-earned cash elsewhere (on a holiday, say) then you certainly shouldn't be made to feel that you're parentally challenged or, worse than that, somehow contributing to your kid's potential language problems.
Let's face it, there are plenty of other opportunities during the day to talk to your child. When you're changing their nappy/feeding them/pushing them on the swings. And honestly, me wibbling on to Sam whenever he's in the pushchair isn't going to make much difference to his learning — sometimes, in fact, babies need quiet time just to look at the cars going past, stare at the ducks in the park or watch the leaves rustle in the trees and me saying, 'look darling, a doggie! Can you see the plane? Oooh there's a big truck!' every five minutes will probably really pee him off.
Give the babies - and us mums - a break! And don't rush out to buy a forward-facing pram on the back of this article. It's rubbish, I'm telling you. Rubbish. Sam's 10 months, gets pushed about in a rattly stroller and he can say cat, dog, duck and dada. Proof, if ever it were needed, that you DON'T NEED A BUGABOO!

p.s My Annabel Karmel one-pot chicken casserole was rejected today, yes REJECTED, in favour of that good old favourite Hipp Organic Chicken And Vegetable Risotto. Can you believe it? I'm utterly disheartened.

1 comment:

numpty said...

yay! Boo to bugaboos and silly ranting about how to bring up your child by using the latest consumer crap...

and boo to labour intensive baby food..